"Let us think together my friend! Is freedom only in measuring just physical? or is just ceremonial?. "Is our country's Independence"? this matter becomes a question of everyone. Why not? We see poverty, hunger, corruption reigned Jaunty like flowers in the rainy season. Not to mention that lately a lot of commotion with news of terrorists, bombs and so forth. "
State of Indonesia is a country rich in natural resources, spices, petroleum, marine, tropical forests, etc. No wonder if the so-called "Gemah Ripah Loh Jinawi" Foreign countries were interested to see Indonesia, initially entered into cooperation with foreign countries but eventually also be interested in mastered wealth stored in our beloved country. We'll see starting from the colonial Portuguese, Spanish, Dutch, English, Japanese, how much whether losses suffered by Indonesia? Loss of physical and non-physical.
Unitary State of Indonesia's independence precisely August 17, 1945 was not so easily achieved. How blood splattered everywhere, falling victim one by one. That's all that has been the heroes we do, by one word "Independence." Only with national spirit and weapons "stakes" our heroes do not scream faces bullying, attacks from invaders.
All events an age of colonialism is an event that is very sad human tragedy. And in remembrance is not enough just to implement the "silence" in every seven teens (which only lasted a moment and glance), which then needs to become a national tradition and cultivated.
Talked about the colonial era, some people say, that in the colonial period there was no famine, flood or other natural disaster, all City planning is very good, all things cheap and versatile happier life than the period of independence now, more and more here difficult. This is an honest expression of people who are "close" with officials of the colonial administration.
Opaque color portrait of the future Indonesia marked by a prolonged multi - dimensional crisis. So worst case scenario is a description of Indonesia experienced a decline in all areas, and efforts to fill large independence starting from scratch, from the knee of capital, or even from the stone age.
Various kinds of modern colonialism in Indonesia, including:
1. Terrorism
Not long ago in our beloved country commotion with terrorism, suicide bombing. Many innocent lives have been making everyone cry because mindless crime. Then, who should be responsible for all this?.
2. Corruption / bribery
In the midst of a flood of news about corruption in our country, of whom there including the amount to hundreds of billions or trillions of rupiah, and the number of cases of fraud or abuse of authority figures among the executive, legislative, judicial, political parties , big businessmen, etc etc, then there is news that could raise a lot of people were surprised, or angry, or surprised. This news is stating that 13 million Indonesian children suffering from hunger due to lack of food!. Then, who should be responsible for all this?
3. Poverty
Data Central Statistics Agency (BPS) recorded a total population of Indonesia in June 2010 amounted to 234.2 million inhabitants with a growth rate of 1.33 percent per year. Of that amount, the total labor force has now reached 116 million people. A total of 107.41 million people were working population. While the number of unemployed as many as 8.59 million people or openly unemployed amounted to 7.41 percent. Indeed it has decreased when compared to 2009 which amounted to 8.14 percent. Poor population in 2010 amounted to 31.02 million people or by 13.33 percent, decreased 1.51 million people compared to the year 2009 (as many as 32.53 million) or 14.15 per cent (www.bps.go.id)
The impact of poverty on society generally so numerous and complex include, among others as follows:
a. Unemployment
b. Violence
c. Education
d. Health
e. SARA nuanced social conflict
Then, who should be responsible for all this?.
So far, Indonesia has only felt the physical independence, while not substantially due to economic, social and political people were still colonized and not prosperous. Until now there is still a lot of homework from this country is concerned the Indonesian government, which involves a lot of people desire to live. Our hope is that the Indonesian people free from poverty, free from the expensive education, free from ill health and free from the corrupt and terrorism because if it is achieved then the nature of the nation's independence can also be achieved.
2. Corruption / bribery
In the midst of a flood of news about corruption in our country, of whom there including the amount to hundreds of billions or trillions of rupiah, and the number of cases of fraud or abuse of authority figures among the executive, legislative, judicial, political parties , big businessmen, etc etc, then there is news that could raise a lot of people were surprised, or angry, or surprised. This news is stating that 13 million Indonesian children suffering from hunger due to lack of food!. Then, who should be responsible for all this?
3. Poverty
Data Central Statistics Agency (BPS) recorded a total population of Indonesia in June 2010 amounted to 234.2 million inhabitants with a growth rate of 1.33 percent per year. Of that amount, the total labor force has now reached 116 million people. A total of 107.41 million people were working population. While the number of unemployed as many as 8.59 million people or openly unemployed amounted to 7.41 percent. Indeed it has decreased when compared to 2009 which amounted to 8.14 percent. Poor population in 2010 amounted to 31.02 million people or by 13.33 percent, decreased 1.51 million people compared to the year 2009 (as many as 32.53 million) or 14.15 per cent (www.bps.go.id)
The impact of poverty on society generally so numerous and complex include, among others as follows:
a. Unemployment
b. Violence
c. Education
d. Health
e. SARA nuanced social conflict
Then, who should be responsible for all this?.
So far, Indonesia has only felt the physical independence, while not substantially due to economic, social and political people were still colonized and not prosperous. Until now there is still a lot of homework from this country is concerned the Indonesian government, which involves a lot of people desire to live. Our hope is that the Indonesian people free from poverty, free from the expensive education, free from ill health and free from the corrupt and terrorism because if it is achieved then the nature of the nation's independence can also be achieved.
What we still can live with the egoism of individuals? while the nation and this country needs a change that is able to raise the dignity of this nation, let's go! not too late to change and improve, for the sake of a better future for you, me, us, and all the people of Indonesia...
65-years Anniversary of INDONESIA
Jaya Indonesia-ku
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